Meet the “weed nuns”
They have a mission: to heal and empower women with their cannabis products. How? making marijuana a new religion! It may seem crazy but these nuns are very serious.
In the Central Valley of California (USA) you can find the Sisters of the Valley, they have called themselves “weed nuns”. They call themself like that because they have made a habit to grow and harvest marijuana plants as part of their religion.
Although the Sisters of the Valley don’t belong to any order or profess the Catholic religion, they do feel a great spirituality and follow a series of rituals that connect them with natural elements such as the Moon and the Earth.
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How does this start?
Sister Kate is the propellant of this movement, an American who spent a good part of her life in the Netherlands. When she returned to the United States in 2008, she began to feel that the rulers of this country did not help enough for the growth of the working class, especially women, which is why she decided to create the character of “Sister Occupy”.
She and another woman were the impellers. To develop their idea they bought a farm in the central valley of California and started planting marijuana as a cooperative. At that time the ecclesiastical uniform was only an activist tool, but over time they noticed that it granted an image of spirituality, sacrifice, and elegance; principles with which they want to identify themselves and transmit to the products they make, so little by little they formed an order. The image of a nun is, in fact, very good at attracting curious to their business.
And what do they do in that monastery?
The Sisters sustain their farm operations and their compassionate activism by making products for the people of the spiritual environment. They respect the breadth and depth of the gifts of Mother Earth and work hard to bridge the gap between her and her suffering people
Soaps, creams, oils and many more products are manufactured with cannabis and shipped to Canada and all around the world. The Sisters prepare all of their products during moon cycles, inspired by ancient wisdom. They are activists on a mission to empower people to heal themselves.
They have become so famous that even the international news network ABC has made story about them:
They have their own vows, but they are different from the usual ones in nuns: ecology, activism, living humbly, chastity, servitude and, although it sounds very strange, obedience to the lunar cycles. The latter is because the plants are cultivated following the lunar cycle, in addition to having a ritual that “honors” them.
On the other hand, they declare themselves an empowerment organization only for women and men can not enter. Depending on how you see it, it almost reach the end of being matriarchal. Under a system of “sponsorship,” the sisters choose if they want to associate with a certain male and for how long.
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